Ukrainian refugees in Poland may lose their payments. Do the Poles support this?

, 14:08, 30.09.2023
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Explore the ongoing debate in Poland regarding continued support for Ukrainian refugees, as we delve into public opinion, political dynamics, and the potential implications of this critical decision.

Ukrainian refugees in Poland may lose their payments. Do the Poles support this?

Polish cities feel the strain of helping Ukrainian refugees

Poland is considering the possibility of discontinuing support for Ukrainian refugees starting from January next year, although no final decision has been made yet. Some Polish politicians argue that Ukrainian refugees have already successfully adapted to life in Poland and should no longer be considered "economically disadvantaged." Public opinion on this matter among Poles appears to be divided.

Do Poles still want to help Ukrainians?

According to a survey conducted by the international research company Ipsos on behalf of TOK.FM and, 23% of respondents believe that it is absolutely necessary to continue providing support to Ukrainian refugees, while 26% prefer that the aid continues. On the other hand, 22% of those polled oppose the continuation of support, and 20% would rather see the support stopped.

These results are seen as encouraging by some, but they also raise concerns. The fact that 42% of respondents expressed opposition to further support for refugees may reflect the influence of the government party "Prawo i Sprawiedliwość" (Law and Justice). It is perceived as part of a political campaign aimed at winning the votes of the Confederation party. This narrative, although not yet effective, is based on the primary fears of citizens, especially in the current economic situation.

Poles understand that Ukraine must be supported for their own good

Despite this division in public opinion, many Poles understand the importance of supporting Ukraine for their own benefit. Some have noted that the ruling camp's rhetoric has been anti-Ukrainian in recent months, but the survey indicates that Poles are still aware of the situation in Ukraine and the necessity of supporting both the country and the Ukrainian refugees who have sought refuge in Poland.

Additionally, the increasing movement of Ukrainian refugees into Poland has posed challenges, with companies experiencing a loss of employees. This has led to a growing recognition that Ukraine needs continued support in various ways.

In summary, the debate on whether to continue providing support to Ukrainian refugees in Poland remains ongoing, with a divided public opinion influenced by political factors and economic concerns. Nonetheless, there is a recognition among many Poles of the importance of supporting Ukraine for both humanitarian and practical reasons.


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