The Russians lost ammunition for the super-helicopters

, 19:53, 07.09.2023
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The Special Operations Forces of Ukraine demonstrated an attack on a powerful Russian military warehouse. You can see the precise impact of the missiles, turning the entire area into hell, where the f

The Russians lost ammunition for the super-helicopters

The Ukrainians destroyed the Wicher missile warehouse. This is an important weapon of Russian Ka-52 helicopters

The Special Forces of Ukraine demonstrated an attack on a powerful Russian military warehouse. You can see the precise impact of the missiles, turning the entire area into hell, where the fire consumed everything in its path, including the extremely important missiles for Ka-52 helicopters.

A large Russian military warehouse in flames

The recording clearly shows the working Russians, who before the attack did not expect what awaited them. A few well-aimed hits turned this peaceful area into hell, where buildings and vehicles caught fire one by one.

For the attack, the Ukrainians probably used GMLRS precision missiles, which allow for flawless hits of key objects behind the front line. Launched by HIMARS and MLRS launchers, they allow for striking targets even at a distance of about 70 kilometers. There were as many as 180,000 tungsten elements in these bullets that showered the area.

There were super-helicopter missiles in the warehouse

According to the SSO, missiles of the 9K121 Wicher system (signed as 9М127) were located in the destroyed warehouse. These are laser-guided anti-tank missiles that are the primary weapon of Russia's most significant attack helicopters, the Mi-28NM, Ka-50 and Ka-52. Wicher is the entire missile system, which consists of the 9K121 launcher and the 9A4172 missile. It entered the equipment of the Russian troops in the 90s.

It is characterized by a fairly simple design, where the projectile itself is laser-guided. Not only that, but it flies at a maximum speed of 610 m/s and can penetrate 1,000 mm of steel-equivalent composite armor covered with ERA armor. It was with them that the Ka-52 helicopters were armed, which stopped the attacks of many Ukrainian armored columns at the beginning of the offensive.

Ukrainians massively destroy Russian Ka-52s

Ka-52s are the main attack helicopters of the Russians, which are taking their toll on the Ukrainians. It is a flying tank that, thanks to six mounting points on the wings, can carry various types of weapons, from combat weapons, from additional 30mm 2A42 cannons, through unguided S-8 missiles, to guided missiles Wichr or Ataka.

Nevertheless, they often fall prey to the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense, especially in the form of MANPADS hand-held launchers. One soldier can destroy Ka-52s with them, which cost over $16 million. So far, there are about 150 such helicopters left from the pre-war fleet, the Russians have irretrievably lost 39 machines, which is a real disaster.

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#Ukrainian Armed Forces#Himars#Ka-52s

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