The charity project SAVE NIKOPOL has started in Nikopol: how to get involved

, 17:07, 16.09.2022
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The charity project #SAVENIKOPOL has started in Nikopol: how to get involved.

The charity project SAVE NIKOPOL has started in Nikopol: how to get involved

The charity project SAVE NIKOPOL has started in Nikopol

On September 11, the charity project #SAVENIKOPOL started in Nikopol. It was initiated by the BF "Nikopol Tourism". It is reported with reference to the message of the director of the fund and deputy of the city council Oleg Feldman. 

"Nikopol Tourism Charitable Foundation started the charity project #SAVENIKOPOL today. We will sell t-shirts and other textile souvenir merch about Nikopol, Energodar on a special website," - Oleg Feldman wrote.

The charity project SAVE NIKOPOL has started in Nikopol

On the site, the project organizers will sell things with the symbols of the city. They will direct all funds held to:

  • to help victims of the daily shelling of the people of Nikopol;
  • to strengthen the defense capacity of Nikopol and the district;
  • assistance to the partisans of the town of Energodar captured by the Rashists;

"The cost of textiles is slightly higher than the market price, so that we can earn ~ 200 hryvnias from each sold product. ", - Oleg Felman writes.

The charity project SAVE NIKOPOL has started in Nikopol

As part of the project, you can purchase prints by such artists and designers as: Andriy Yermolenko, Alighieri Dante, Victor Storogenko, Ilya Ship, Ruslan Rudoman, Oleksiy Kustovsky, Natalia Zakharova, Alexander Kryushin.

Also presented are paintings by Nikopol artists who have already passed away: Mark Prodan, Oleksandr Ovcharenko, Pavel Bohus, Mykola Chervotkin.

The charity project SAVE NIKOPOL has started in Nikopol

Prints are currently being added. If you want to take part in the charity project #SAVENIKOPOL, write a private message to Oleg Feldman. You can buy a product with the symbol of your hometown on the website using this link.

It should be noted that the insidious Russian occupiers roam around Nikopol every day. The orcs use all their deadly military equipment to destroy the city of Nikopol and kill the civilians.


#Nikopol#Save Nikopol#Energodar

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