Poland. Seventeen hooligans beat and robbed two Ukrainians

, 18:47, 22.08.2023
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The police detained 6 out of 17 hooligans who, equipped with batons, sticks, pipes and a machete, beat up two Ukrainians - residents of Kamieniec Ząbkowicki (Lower Silesia).

Poland. Seventeen hooligans beat and robbed two Ukrainians

Among Poles, some are animals

The incident was reported on Friday by Mr. pcs. Katarzyna Mazurek from the KPP in Ząbkowice Śląskie. Two residents of Kamieniec Ząbkowicki were beaten up in early August after 8 p.m.

The police determined that a group of several people came to the place where the men lived. Their faces were covered and they were armed with clubs, sticks, pipes and a machete. They also brought a hockey stick with them.

- Unprovoked, they began to threaten and beat the 44-year-old and the 18-year-old only because of their nationality. The blows were delivered with the use of dangerous tools taken with them especially for this purpose. As if that wasn't enough, they finally decided to rob their victims. In total, they stole over 4,000 zl from the beaten men - the police officer said.

Officers determined that a group of 17 hooligans, residents of the Ząbkowice district, was responsible for the beating and theft.

“Police have identified all those involved and arrests have begun. 6 people have already heard charges, one of them has been temporarily arrested, 5 people are under police supervision, Mazurek said and stressed that further arrests in this case are planned.

The attitude of Poles towards Ukrainians is changing. "The government does more for refugees than for citizens"

According to 50% of Poles, the government now cares more about Ukrainians than about its own citizens, according to a survey conducted by IRCenter. More than every third respondent also believes that Ukrainians take away jobs, places in kindergartens, schools and medical facilities from Poles.

Such a negative attitude is more common among women, young people, poorly educated people and inhabitants of rural areas, as well as respondents declaring that they are religious people. Sociologist Dorota Peretiatkowicz points out that they are caused by a number of factors - above all, concerns about one's own economic situation in the era of high inflation. These are symptoms of fatigue from war and the presence of refugees.

It is true that every fourth Pole would prefer Poland to withdraw from supporting Ukraine, but almost half (46 percent) disagree with this, and a quarter (27 percent) have no opinion on this matter. Every fifth Pole (19%) is afraid of Russian entry into Poland (including 6% who strongly believe so), almost half (42%) have no opinion on this subject, and two in five (39%) are not afraid this.

#Poland#Human rights#Hooligans

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