Former advisor to Zelensky: Poland and Ukraine will return to constructive dialogue after the elections

, 17:50, 20.09.2023
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Real dialogue between Kyiv and Warsaw will be resumed after the parliamentary elections in Poland. The Ukrainian politician is convinced that the political situation will not affect relations.

Former advisor to Zelensky: Poland and Ukraine will return to constructive dialogue after the elections

Andrzej Duda's meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky

Real dialogue between Kyiv and Warsaw will be resumed after the parliamentary elections in Poland. Mykyta Poturayev, deputy of the Servant of the People party and former adviser to the President of Ukraine, said this in an interview. At the same time, the politician believes that relations between nations will not deteriorate because of grain or the canceled meeting between Volodymyr Zelensky and Andrzej Duda in New York.

Poturajew: elections in Poland changed the narrative of the Polish government

A politician from Zelensky's party believes that Kyiv and Warsaw will return to constructive dialogue at the interstate level after the parliamentary elections to be held on October 15. “The cooperation of the two countries will not suffer from this”, says Mykyta Poturayev, a former advisor to Zelensky and a member of the “Servant of the People” party, in an interview with us.

As for the processes that are currently taking place, as a political scientist, I connect them with the elections in Poland, which will take place soon. After the government is formed, a completely different conversation will begin, one that will not be influenced by momentary political interests.

Poturayev: governments are governments and people are people

The Ukrainian politician is convinced that the political situation will not affect relations between Ukrainians and Poles. "Both our nations understand that their unity is a guarantee of the security of all of Europe," he says in an interview.

Poles and Ukrainians are two wise nations that have drawn conclusions from the history of their coexistence and rivalry in the past. I think that everyone has drawn appropriate conclusions about where the real danger comes from and that in war conditions the unity between the Polish and Ukrainian nations is naturally deepening.

Andrzej Duda: there is one guarantee of peace for Europe and the USA

At the UN General Assembly in New York, Polish President Andrzej Duda appealed to Ukraine's allies to remain tough and steadfast. "The idea is to prevent Russia from moving the borders in Europe by force. This is a guarantee of peace in the future, also for the United States", Andrzej Duda said in an interview with CNN.

Russia can only be stopped if it is defeated, and it will only be defeated when the Ukrainians, with the help of the US and the West, drive Russian troops from the occupied territories and regain control of their internationally recognized borders. Only then will it be possible to say that Russian imperialism has been defeated.

Why didn't Andrzej Duda meet with Volodymyr Zelensky?

On September 19, during the UN General Assembly in New York, Andrzej Duda said that he had a meeting planned with Volodymyr Zelensky, but “the schedule changed”. The Polish president then gave a speech before members of the UN.

Duda noted that his country had not closed its borders to Ukrainian grain. He also compared Ukraine to "a drowning man grasping at everything".

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