Bribes at the front. Russian soldiers buy leave and war "wounds"

, 21:45, 29.11.2023
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

An independent Russian portal reports on the bribery system in the Russian army. Soldiers can, among others: buy leave or the option of being transferred to hospital if you are seriously injured.

Bribes at the front. Russian soldiers buy leave and war wounds

Corruption in the Russian army exists at every level

An independent Russian portal reports on the bribery system in the Russian army. Soldiers can, among others: buy leave or the option of being transferred to hospital if you are seriously injured. Prices reach up to $50,000.

Reports about bribes in the Russian army have been circulating for a long time. However, now information on this subject is provided by an independent Russian portal, which refers to soldiers of the Russian Federation. As "Novaya Gazeta Yevropa" writes, on the front you can buy a “wound” that requires hospitalization, leave or transfer from combat sites.

Corruption in the Russian army

The price of the bribe depends on the scope of the expected service. The most expensive is a hospital stay as a result of “injuries sustained”. Here, costs range from $10,000 to even $50,000. The final price depends on where the soldier is currently on the front and what rank he has. The cost of a vacation ranges from $5,000 to $10,000, while rotation at the front may cost from $500 to $3,000.

The country's Ministry of Defense pays compensation to soldiers for wounds suffered on the front. And there would be nothing strange about it, if not for the fact that soldiers also receive money for these “bought wounds”.

Information in this regard was provided to the website by the mother of one of the soldiers, who allegedly sent her a voice message with information. These reports were confirmed by another soldier who was a motorized infantry officer.

The unit has not been on the front for half a year. "Multi-million bribes"

"Novaya Gazeta Yevropa", writing about bribes in the Russian army, reminds that many soldiers were recruited as prisoners. The portal's guide is to be one of them. He joined the Sztorm-Z units, composed of criminals and military officers punished for breaking discipline. The soldier said that his unit had not been on the front for six months thanks to "multi-million bribes".

Former prisoners "bought their lives", but as the portal adds, citing a soldier, many of the military were deceived by the ministry. When they decided to fight on the front, they were promised specific amounts of remuneration, but now they receive much lower salaries than promised. In many cases, the pay is even twice as low.

Corruption in the Russian army was present even before the war with Ukraine began. At that time, commanders also granted leaves in return for bribes or bonuses, provided that their subordinates "shared" them. Now, giving a large sum of money to a commander or another high-ranking military officer may be the only chance to save a life and bypass the front.

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