A sight that has not been seen for years. This event changed Ukraine

, 17:32, 05.08.2023
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The blowing up of the dam in Nova Kakhovka by the Russians at the beginning of June 2023 changed the local area beyond recognition. The recording published by the NEXTA profile on platform X shows it.

A sight that has not been seen for years. This event changed Ukraine

Southern Ukraine's Waterways One Month After Kakhovka Dam Disaster

The hydroelectric power plant in Nova Kakhovka, located in southern Ukraine, is a strategic object of the defenders. Kakhovsky Reservoir has an area of ​​over 2.1 thousand square km and can store water with a volume of over 18 cubic km.

The June blowing up of the 30-meter-high dam brought tragic results, which we can see today in the aerial recording. Such a view has not been seen in Nova Kakhovka since the power plant was commissioned in the 1950s, when the part of the Dnieper River north of the site became a huge floodplain. However, the destruction of the dam caused the Kakhovsky Reservoir to dry up.

Drying Kakhovsky Reservoir

On August 6, 2023, it will be two months since the Russian army blew up the dam in Nova Kakhovka. The attack carried out in June led to an uncontrolled outflow of water, which resulted in flooding of the towns located south of the dam.

Under the bottom of the Kakhovsky Reservoir, there are groundwater reserves, so the lagoon should not dry out completely in the next few years. However, as scientists from the US Geological Survey and NASA note, "water shortages in hundreds of thousands of hectares could turn the farmlands of the Kherson region into a desert by 2024".

The destroyed dam and the Kakhovsky Reservoir, which is drying up but still contains water, are a major obstacle primarily for the defending troops - although the consequences for agriculture in the region must not be forgotten either. However, the soldiers have a difficult task to cross the reservoir towards the Crimea.

The lack of a water-free road is a problem not only for infantry, but above all for heavy armored equipment, the passage of which through the Kakhovsky Reservoir is almost impossible.

The Ukrainian authorities had previously announced that after the victorious war they would start the process of rebuilding the country. This also applies to the infrastructure related to the hydroelectric power plant on the Dnipro river.

#Russian Agression#Nova Kakhovka

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