What is "UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE" and who plays it in Ukraine: from meme to musical genre

, 00:38, 06.03.2023
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Dumer is someone who believes in dumerism, philosophy and thinking that believe in global problems - including, but not limited to this, environmental exhaustion, such as overpopulation, etc.

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine: from meme to musical genre

What is "UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE" and who plays it in Ukraine: from meme to musical genre

Dumeres are sad millennials. This is called those who were born between 1985 and 2004. They are a rather depressed part of this generation. For a while, the domeras did not even realize themselves until in 2018, the 4chan forum appeared in the forum of the same name: a sad unsavory smoker in a black hat.

All the intolerance of being focused on the expression of the face, and in this the friction millennials recognized themselves. And at the same time began to perceive music differently.

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

Dumer/Doomer is someone who believes in dumerism, philosophy and thinking that believe in global problems - including, but not limited to this, environmental exhaustion, such as overpopulation, peak of oil, climatic changes and pollution - will inevitably cause the collapse of civilization and significant losses of human populations, and can potentially lead to a person's disappearance. Thinking can be defined as opposed to optimistic views about the future of civilization. Duumerators, as a rule, believe that government corruption, civil apathy and/or structural oppression are irreparable or insignificant.

How Mamm has given birth to Doomerwave Music Myrozhaner, what is its peculiarity and the main representatives in Ukraine - we tell you further.

On consideration - "UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE": from meme to the musical genre

It should be noted that "Dumer" is not an original meme at all - this is a variation of Wojak meme, on which a bald man with an expression of the sum looks in nowhere. Not very popular, this meme has acquired a new life after he was picked up by the appropriate style, and now Wojak, who became a dumer, has won the hearts of fans.

Unlike the original meme, Dumer is rarely used with irony. He now serves to illustrate serious existential questions that are not easy to answer. In addition, Dumer now has his own place of residence - he smokes alone among the multi -storey "panels", not seeing the sun.

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

However, perhaps the most tangible innovation was that Dumer began to perceive music differently than a regular listener. He listens to it using reverberation, low-ranging effects and at a slow pace. Obviously, it all has become a lifestyle, and the Internet needs a new microgenera. Already in 2010, they decided to add the suffix -wave to the names of new genres, and in 2018, Dumerveev appeared.


This microgenera marked two directions: remixes with a characteristic redeemption-slowing of the original and the own tracks of the performers. The main mood here is that themed playlists are adjacent to remixes to some Green Day tracks, original compositions from Molchat Doma Belarus, and, for example, Nirvana acoustic tracks.

Speaking of remixes, Dumer-Dzhi's potential candidates are selected, based on the message. For example, the hit of ten years ago, somebody that I used to know from Gotye, today has become popular today-as Dumer-Remix. But how was it chosen? Well, with this name, you can not even listen to the song, everything is clear and so: people change, their attitude to you too, and from this, obviously, very sad and painful. Therefore, add a nostalgic reverb, slow down by 20-30% and write down with a track of runoff. Well, or pour it on your Doomerwave channel, which is more typical of millennials.

With regard to the original tracks of Dumeveiv, then under this tag lives and postpunk-modern and classic-and any emo-trap. In general, doomerwave is different in different countries. For example, the Brazilian version will be significantly different from the Ukrainian, even the popularity of the genre is no less significant. If you look at our segment, it will be unexpected popularity: for example, the track "Didko, I in despair" has gained 1.7 million views, and any Ukrainian Doomer Wave Player collects tens of thousands of views.

Ukrainian Doomerwave-Remixes

There are two directions in the global and local contexts of the genre: remixes and original. The material for Ukrainian doomerwave remixes is classic compositions of "nostalgic" Ukrainian year or pop rock. Indeed, you should listen to Skryabin's "sleep", and you realize that it is better than a candidate for Slow+Reverb remix just not find.

It is necessary to turn on any track of the band "Sugar-white death", and you realize that even without reverb processing the right mood is broadcast. In addition, the playlists can find remixes on the Ocean of Elsa or Valentina Strikala. As mentioned above, the main thing is the mood and a message of the track.

Top Ukrainian doomerwave artists

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1. MistMorn

Unique representative, flagship direction. Being a successful blogger with channels dedicated to the voice of Gachimuch and covers on modern T/rap tie, MistMorn decided to show the lyrical side of himself, without irony.

Two years ago, ITube appeared on "Didko, I am in despair", which collected about two million views. This track is a permanent participant in the thematic playlists, and his grateful listeners load their own covers and parses on guitar. Less serious, but still succeeded all other singles: "madness of two", "extinguished lights", "panel buildings".

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

MistMorn sings distinctly and emotionally, his vocals are reminiscent of Ukrainian rockers on the beginning of zero. If rude, it sounds absolutely as it should sound "crying of Jeremiah" today. This is an absolute plus: the processing of populture of the past for the sake of creating a unique populture of today is the main mission of modern Ukrainian artist.

The acquisition of one's own uniqueness, remaining in the context of something global is not easy, and therefore the main task of a contemporary Ukrainian artist.

2. Signals feed the void

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

The band creates Industrial and Postpunk styles. Andriy Pokatkin and Vitaliy Gavrilenko record their music in a home studio, which guarantees the authenticity of the material.

Emotional vocals, cold sound, drama machine-all behind the Dumerian Chemist. The first records of the team were published in 2014. Since then, they have steadily released the material and have been consistently updating Ukrainian Dumerveev Pleicists.

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

3. Sad Novelist

Recently, Sad Novelist presented a track on a topical topic of the Russian-Ukrainian war called "Anxiety!" Together the ghost artist.

Postpank-Trep-Indy-rock from the Ivano-Frankivsk musician and Songrayter. The sound is absolutely Dumene: sad, existential, echo-reverb.

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

The musician gained popularity through Tiktok: his track blindly was a good idea in the Ukrainian segment. The musician also often releases fickering with other representatives of Ukrainian Doomerwave, such as Drimandr or Sleepy andy.

4. Drimandr

The solo project of Alexander Zlotnitsky from the town of the Valley in Ivano-Frankivsk region. As in the case of Sad Novelist, it combines Indi's sound with hip-hop and emo, creating an authentic Ukrainian dumervey product.

Drimandr, like most of the Dumev-Choh, is surprisingly fruitful as an independent artist. Its project has existed since 2018, and now Alexander has released six EP, more than a dozen singles and several lyrics and clips.

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

In his music, he operates with Dumer-Style artifacts, creating a space with depressive-bipolar moods, but under the trep-haikhets or the gloomy pop-punk reefs.

5. Kurgan

What is UKRAINIAN DOOMERWAVE and who plays it in Ukraine

The innovation of Kurgan (Yevgen Volodchenko from the Kurgan & Agregat team) and his debut ER "Library of the Cognitive Known" has already been written more than once. As of today, nothing has changed particularly: the gloomy sentimentality in combination with the removed assessment of what is happening is in place, and the search for meaning around with the help of alt-trap-bits still leaves it innovator of the new Ukrainian scene.

Moreover, the world that creates Zhenya perfectly fits into the Ukrainian Dumerian concept, as it was successfully determined by the edition of NeFormat:

"New Ukrainian Wave is different from other sub -genres of Dumerveway, because it is no longer focused on hopelessness and fatalism, but on melancholy and hope for the better."

6. Josers

Kalush duo transformed his sound - but not a message! - Along with changing time, moreover, he did it successfully. If at the beginning of the Josers career played an English-language guitar garage-rock, the middle was implemented by electronic sound and Mad Trap Hi-Hats, then now they just mix everything they love, leaving a permanent metamodernist search for themselves in the post of post.

If you look at their latest work, we will find a chic collaboration with the same Drimandr, which broadcasts a completely dumerveivovic message of hopelessness: "I didn't want to, but grew up." The puzzle of the sound was made up of pop-punk, drama machine and singing "reading". Josers is unlikely to deliberately aimed at this phantom tag of the Microzhanre, rather, it is a logical result of their creative development today.

If you are interested in emo-music, then specially give you our article about the new Ukrainian emo-Pope Rock band Myspace.

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