Russia is afraid? Withdraws military equipment from Crimea

, 15:35, 28.04.2023
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The authorities in Moscow know that the Ukrainians have the ability to attack Russian territory. For this reason, they are withdrawing weapons from the northern areas of Crimea, as shown by the latest

Russia is afraid? Withdraws military equipment from Crimea

Satellite photos confirm. The Russians stripped the entire military base in the north of Crimea. Are they afraid of an attack?

The authorities in Moscow know that the Ukrainians have the ability to attack Russian territory. For this reason, they are withdrawing weapons from the northern areas of Crimea, as shown by the latest satellite photos.

  • The Russians are taking more and more military equipment from Crimea, especially in the north.
  • The latest satellite photos show the complete desolation of the entire base with military equipment in the village of Medvedivka, near the border of Crimea with the Kherson region.
  • This is a possible effect of increasing fear among Russians after learning about the possibility of Ukrainian attacks deep into Russian territory.

Russians withdraw equipment from northern Crimea. There are traces of the base

The interpretation of satellite images from the region of the village of Medvedivka was made by analyst Brady Africk from the American think-tank American Enterprise Institute. He showed that since April 25, the base is practically gone.

In this base the Russians kept mainly artillery, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, which were damaged and had to undergo repairs. It was known that the Russians had been removing equipment from the site since February. In early April, Brady Africk pointed out that this field base in northern Crimea has almost no equipment left, and trenches and smaller fortifications are being built around it. Now, however, we have final confirmation that there are traces left from the base.

The fear of the Russians against drone attacks and the arrival of the front

Earlier, it was pointed out that the removal of equipment and the building of trenches in the region are the result of the shifting of the front and the increasingly threatening announcements of another offensive. Considering that we are talking about the northern part of Crimea, it is possible. Previously, the Russians moved their equipment mainly from the western regions, due to the greater threat of a missile attack or drone attack from Ukrainian territories.

Russia is afraid? Withdraws military equipment from Crimea

The latter may be the main cause of Russian fear for their equipment and infrastructure behind the front lines. They already know that the Ukrainians have the ability to attack Russian territories far from the front. Only a few days ago, the Ukrainian UJ-22 drone fell on the outskirts of Moscow. 

This is another case showing that the Ukrainians are getting closer to attacking the Russian capital. The Russians are especially afraid that one of the drones will fly to the Victory Parade on May 9. As reported by the Ukrainian portal Obozrevatel, the Russians are already creating instructions for action for electronic warfare soldiers in the event of an attack by Ukrainian drones in Moscow during the holiday. Due to this threat, some Russian cities, mainly those located near the border with Ukraine, announced that they would not stage parades on the occasion of Victory Day.

Where could the Russians have taken the equipment from the base near Medvedivka?

So you can see how the Russians are afraid of attacks on their territory. However, they know that Ukrainians often cannot afford them. So they could move the equipment deep into the Crimea itself, where the probability of an attack is still lower.

It is also possible that some of the weapons had already been repaired, so they were sent to units at the front, and those that could not be restored were sent to hidden army warehouses and factories even deeper in Russia. There's also a chance that if something needed repair, it's now in field bases closer to the front.

#Russian Agression#Crimea

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